What is RoboLogix?
RoboLogix is a software program that converts your personal computer into a fully-functioning 3D industrial robot that can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions and operations.
How much does it cost?
A single licensed copy of RoboLogix costs $299. Educational discounts are available for site licenses.
How will this software teach me about robotics?
RoboLogix provides an ideal learning environment where programs can be tested using virtual-reality 3D simulation. RoboLogix contains dozens of programmed examples in a variety of application environments.
What type of robot does RoboLogix simulate?
RoboLogix is designed to simulate a wide range of standard industrial robots including ABB, Fanuc and Kawasaki.
If I am a teacher, why should I use RoboLogix?
RoboLogix is a powerful learning tool that provides students with access to robotic equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars. The RoboLogix virtual world is completely safe, but provides a very realistic simulation of control systems using robotic equipment.
What is the Robotics Technician CBT?
The Robotics Technician CBT consists of 14 modules of interactive multimedia course material covering the fundamentals of industrial robotics including programming, applications, troubleshooting and vision systems.
If I am a teacher, why should I be interested in the Robotics Technician CBT?
Most teachers faced with the challenge of teaching robotics and automation courses are faced with limited resources. The Robotics Technician learning package provides a tutorial resource for course material and fully integrates RoboLogix to provide a smooth transition from theory to lab.
What are the future plans/upgrade policies for RoboLogix?
Logic Design Inc. is continually developing and enhancing its product line to meet the needs of our customers. New version releases can be expected about every 12-18 months. We offer very affordable upgrade options for registered users of RoboLogix, but unlike most companies, we do not "penalize" customers if they choose to skip an upgrade and wait for the next one. And if you purchase one of our products within 90 days of a new version release, we will provide you the upgrade for free, so you don't have to worry about purchasing at the "wrong" time. If you have any comments or suggestions for future releases, please let us know. Our research and development is driven largely by customer input.