RoboLogix is a state-of-the-art robotics simulation software package that is designed to emulate real-world robotics applications. With RoboLogix, you teach, test, run, and de-bug programs that you have written yourself using a five-axis industrial robot in a wide range of practical applications. These applications include pick-and-place, palletizing, welding, painting and allow for customized environments so that you can design your own robotics application. With RoboLogix, the user can run the simulator to test and visually examine the execution of robot programs and control algorithms.
RoboLogix is ideal for students as well as robot designers and engineers. It is the only robotics simulation tool that provides engineering-level simulation at such an affordable price. The simulation software allows for verification of the reach- ability, travel ranges and collisions. This allows for increased reliability of the planning process and program development as well as reducing the overall completion/commissioning time. RoboLogix enables programmers to write their own robot programs, modify the environment and use the available sensors. These sensors include video cameras which are used for obtaining the desired position of the robot end effector. In addition, a teach pendant is included with the simulator that allows the user to command the robot to pick up a tracked object and return it to a home location through jogged commands or pre-programmed positions.
The benefits of RoboLogix simulation include:
- User-friendly 3D interface allows for "real-world" simulation
- Test and de-bug programs in a safe, non-hazardous environment
- Perform accurate robot simulations to verify reach, cycle time, through-put, etc.
- Design or edit robotic programs without tying up programming time on an actual robot
- Compare robotic programs in order to optimize cycle times
- Enter, modify and retrieve programs using a simulated teach pendant